Keyword research: a guide to improving your SEO strategy
Keyword research is a key part of search engine optimisation (SEO), which helps businesses rank better in search engine results. At the heart of this process is the identification of the right keywords and phrases to precisely target content to match the searches of potential customers. Keyword research is not just about listing words, but […]
The buying process
The buying process – the customer journey from need identification to final purchase – is a key part of both consumer behaviour and business strategy. Understanding this process helps companies develop more effective marketing strategies that attract and serve customers according to their needs. The steps in the buying process, while seemingly simple, are at […]
Google update August 2024: Implications & tips
Google regularly releases updates to its search algorithm, known as kernel updates. These updates aim to improve the quality and relevance of search results. The Google update in August 2024 will be the latest contribution to this ongoing process. It is designed to identify and reward high-quality, user-friendly content while giving less visibility to lower-quality […]